Sometimes I see reviews on animations that seem so unfair. But then I need to remeber that these ppl are just seeing it from a consumer side. (Being they have not done any animating them selves) There seeing your work at face value and saying what they think. Though the wording could be better it's the same kind of reviews cartoons on TV get, and the ppl who work on thouse cartoons are pros.
I personally think a lot of reviewers are needlessly cruel.
The ungrateful audience of internet cartoons can easily destroy talented artists.
It is extremely important to develop thick skin.
Sometimes a bad review can feel like genuine malice directed towards you.
Sometimes a bad review is written with actual animosity.
You can actually get energy off of bad reviews to produce new art.
Think of it as producing a new flash movie to spite your critics.
This is how you develop a thick skin against critics.
The best revenge towards your critics is by becoming successful.
You are Awesome!!! :)