Hi there ^_^ Im Will. I enjoy Animating,Voice acting and creating music. My only goal on this site is to entertain you. I hope you enjoy my content and feel free to follow me to get the up to date info on what ill be making next. Thanks!
Age 37
Joined on 8/4/07
@StaticSkull , if you say the mods don't need to look at this problem, they're going to look into it no matter what you say to them.
@Justapunnyguy You have to admit, they DOO look similar. The hair style and the shading under the eyes. Not only that, similar reasoning for making of the character, saying shit like "Oh, you got this from david firth? or nah?" then saying "Oh, she was inspired off david firth" KAY and FAY. Obviously a ripoff.
@raidenslicer yeah, exactly
Give us a bit of time, but yea, we are indeed looking into this. Both the situation and the user.
I would of been fine with it all if he didt repeat my Back story to how Fay came to be, back at me. It was a personal story from my pass and it hurt to see some one trying to glorify it as there own.
I understand parody and inspired work but when he said he made the character as a way to deal with problems at school, A character that just happened to look like mine with the same story, It cut deep with me. Maybe if this person was Troll just doing it for the reaction then at lease there would be some kind of contexts to why. But this person looked at me and basically said he wanted to be me (Didt really say that) Im a nobody and im ok with that but for some one to think being a nobody is worth being confuses the hell out of me.
My life was shit and thats nothing to be proud of.
Im shocked and grateful for the amount of support iv been getting on this. Iv highly underestimated the NG community but to see people stepping in to give there support is really cool. No matter what comes of it I hope this person learns a lesson and maybe im part to blame for putting something so personal to me on the internet.
Lessons learned across the bourd I gess lol.
These 2 characters don't look really the same, don't make drama